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From pre-built official release

This page explains how to install Krux from an official, pre-built release.

Download the latest release

Head over to the releases page and download the latest signed release.

Verify the files

Before installing the release, it's a good idea to check that:

  1. The SHA256 hash of matches the hash in
  2. The signature file can be verified with the selfcustody.pem public key found in the root of the krux repository.

You can either do this manually or with the krux shell script, which contains helper commands for this:

./krux sha256
./krux verify selfcustody.pem

Fun fact: Each Krux release is signed with Krux!

Flash the firmware onto the device

Extract the latest version of Krux you downloaded and enter the folder:

unzip && cd krux-vX.Y.Z

Connect the device to your computer via USB (for Maix Amigo, make sure you’re using bottom port), power it on, and run the following, replacing DEVICE with either m5stickv, amigo, bit or yahboom (to yahboom you may need to manually specify the port):

./ktool -B goE -b 1500000 maixpy_DEVICE/kboot.kfpkg

For dock the -B parameter changes, so run:

./ktool -B dan -b 1500000 maixpy_dock/kboot.kfpkg

When the flashing process completes, you should see the Krux logo:

If it doesn't, try turning your device off and on by holding down the power button for six seconds.

Congrats, you're now running Krux!

A note about the Maix Amigo

Some Amigo screens have inverted X coordinates, others display colors differently. For more info see FAQ


If ktool fails to run, you may need to give it executable permissions with chmod +x ./ktool, or you might need to use "sudo" if your user don't have access to serial port. In Windows or Mac you may need to explicitly allow the tool to run by adding an exception for it.

If the flashing process fails midway through, check the connection, restart the device, and try the command again.

Two serial ports are created when Amigo and Bit are connected to a PC. Sometimes Ktool will pick the wrong and flash will fail. Manually specify the serial port to overcome this issue using -p argument:

./ktool-linux -B goE -b 1500000 maixpy_amigo/kboot.kfpkg -p /dev/ttyUSB1

Check por names of devices manager on Windows (e.g. COM1, COM9), or list the ports on linux

ls /dev/ttyUSB*

List ports on Mac

ls /dev/cu.usbserial*
Different OS versions may have different port names, and the absence of ports may indicate a connection, driver or hardware related issue.

Multilingual support

Prefer a different language? Krux has support for multiple languages. Once at the start screen, go to Settings, followed by Locale, and select the locale you wish to use.

Upgrade via microSD card

Once you've installed the initial firmware on your device via USB, you can either continue updating the device by flashing or you can perform upgrades via microSD card to keep the device airgapped.